
与12bet官方的Jackie Lyons和GreenBiz的Katie Ryan一起反思我们的可持续发展方法

Jackie Lyons, JPMorgan Chase’s Executive Director of Sustainability and Katie Ryan, Director of Sustainability at GreenBiz, discuss the bank’s approach to sustainability, its strategy to help finance and facilitate a low-carbon economy, and some of Jackie’s hopes for the future.

December 5, 2023


Lyons: I like to say that I grew up at JPMorgan Chase. I've been here pretty much my whole career. 我从传统的商业银行开始,主要是为非营利领域的客户提供支持. 我的许多客户都在接受高等教育,许多人也关注保护. 我个人对气候变化也很感兴趣,想要过渡到这个领域, 因此,我作为银行家的早期经历给了我接触和经验,使我能够更深入地了解可持续发展的世界.

In my current role, 我专注于从公司的角度为公司的总体可持续发展战略提供建议和执行. That means that I spend most of my time working with our internal leadership, advising on the direction of developing our strategy and in many cases, executing on overall sustainability initiatives across the firm.

瑞恩:这是一个完美的开场白,因为我想很多人都知道12bet官方是美国历史最悠久的金融机构.S.但有些人可能不太了解世行的可持续发展战略. Could you talk a little bit more about that?

Lyons: 我认为主要是围绕着做我们作为金融机构最擅长的事情. 这是12bet官方如何为客户提供资金和专业知识,帮助他们实现长期业务目标,并推动全球向低碳经济转型. From a sustainability perspective, 我们的许多客户都有自己向低碳经济转型的举措,以及他们如何为自己的业务考虑这一点. 我们正在与他们合作,帮助他们实现减少排放和扩大清洁技术投资的目标, while maintaining energy affordability and security.

我们主要通过我们整体可持续发展战略的三个关键支柱来实现这一点:扩大绿色解决方案, balancing environmental, social and economic needs, and minimizing our operational impact. 这就是我们所说的三个方面:当我们考虑为低碳转型提供商业上可行的解决方案时, 我们需要看到清洁技术等领域的大规模增长和投资,而支持这些项目和总体目标需要大量资金.

We are doing our part to help scale that overall green goal. For us, 我们的目标是到2030年底为绿色解决方案提供至少1万亿美元的资金和便利,这在很大程度上体现了这一点. We're about 19 percent of our way towards that goal so far, and we're thinking about how we can continue to support our clients.

Secondly, we know that achieving the carbon transition is not going to be easy, and it really does require a balancing act of economic, 社会和气候相关的需求,以便以一种合理的方式实现这一目标,并为所有人服务.

For us, 这意味着以负责任的方式使用我们的资金和专业知识,帮助我们思考需要发生的事情. For instance, we've set our own net zero aligned targets within our financing portfolio, for our client portfolios that operate in carbon intensive sectors.

And then the last piece of the puzzle focuses within our own world. 我们围绕我们自己的可持续性运营目标采取了一系列举措,以继续减少我们自己的排放.


Lyons:  There is a massive opportunity in the low-carbon transition overall, and our clients see that opportunity just as much as we do. 我们看到我们的许多客户专注于他们自己的转型机会,比如他们对低碳技术的投资. 因此,对我们来说,我们希望将我们的业务定位为客户的战略合作伙伴.

To do that, we have to, first and foremost, run a well operated bank. And we have to think, 12bet官方作为一家金融机构在全球经济中扮演着怎样的角色?从实体经济的角度来看,12bet官方在全球经济中扮演着怎样的角色.

Ryan: Speaking of the future, you mentioned earlier that this change is not going to be easy; I agree. I am curious, though, what makes you hopeful for the future?

Lyons: 我很高兴看到这些对话在我们今天所处的各种利益相关者圈子中得到了如此多的关注. I think we are at a turning point.

Businesses and the private sector have a really important role to play. It's also really critical that the public sector is there as well.

看到政府在政策方面有了很大的变化,这确实令人鼓舞, particularly in the US, with the Inflation Reduction Act and others, 在世界各地的全球市场中也在建立如何激励转型的各个部分,以推动它向前发展.


Learn more about our approach to sustainability here.

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